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No. 06 OXYD Bleaching Powder for Wood



Bleaching Powder for bleaching weathered wood

Additional information

Container Content

300 g, 700 g

Scope of application

OXYD-Bleaching Powder for Wood is appropriate for the removal of dis-colorations from oak wood, ash, teak, walnut, pine, pitch pine, rosewood, etc. Old and blackened woods will be as good as new, and they get back their natural colour. Residues of caustic solutions (e.g. of stripping agents etc.) can be neutralized by the powder. It may also be applied to remove sweat stains in the sauna.


For bleaching all types of wood
The structure of the wood and the surface are not affected;
fungicidal effect

Technical specifications

Make-up ratio: dissolve 100g of the powder in 800 – 1000 ml (warm) water

Consumption: 100 g of the powder are sufficient for 8 to 10 m²