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50 Isolier- und Absperrgrund für innen und aussen, weiß pigmentiert



Anti-stain primer and sealing primer for inside and outside, white pigmented

Additional information

Container Content

375 ml, 750 ml, 2,5 Ltr

Scope of application

For a rapid isolation of watermarks, nicotine, tar, soot, smoke spots, as-phalt, carbolineum, bitumen and coloured pencils. The product is appli-cable on many critical substrates, such as mineral substrates, wood-based materials and styrofoam (polystyrene).


Universal anti-stain primer and sealing primer for inside and outside, also applicable on styrofoam (polystyrene), wood-based material and card-board
fast drying time = can be painted within short time
extremely high sealing effect
for inside and outside
free of aromatics

Technical specifications

Make-up ratio: undiluted

Consumption: 1 litre for 5-7 m²